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Showing posts with the label Inspirational new year quotes/ new year wishes

11 Amazing New year Quotes

  Hi Friends,  It's a 31st December, the last day of year and also the Day of recalling the memories of entire year which was just passed, Tomorrow the new day, new year will be start.    I hope and I'll pray that you all will get Happiness,your Desire Achivement and Good Health during up-coming year. Wish you Best Wishes By collection of Amazing New Year Quotes which inspire you for your great start. Follow it, and share with your Friends. Happy New Year. “Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.”  –  Oprah Winfrey . “Making New Year resolutions is one thing. Remaining resolute and seeing them through is quite another.”  ― Alex Morritt.   “Don't ever feel like your best days are behind you. Reinvention is the purest form of hope. Make today your best yet.”  —Phil Wohl Year's end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on, with all the wisdom that experience can instill in us.”  ― Hal Borland. “Your present c...